diumenge, 23 de gener del 2011

London Underground “The Tube”

It is the oldest subway in the world and one of the largest. Known as "The Tube" by londinenes, is in many cases the easiest and fastest way to get around London, thanks to its 275 stations and branches throughout the city. The metro operates daily from 5:30 am to 0:30 pm. Sunday runs from 7:30 to 23:30. Insurance is one meter, with the normal precautions and its operation is similar to any metro in the world. In terms of orientation should be aware that there are 12 lines with different colors and are distinguished by the direction in Eastbound, Westbound, Northbound or Southbound. You have to look carefully at the signs of platforms and destinations because sometimes there are detours and branches and the final stop of a train may not be the last of the line. If in doubt you can ask the metro staff. As councils try to avoid rush hours in / out of work and respect people in a hurry (position yourself right on the escalator and we obstruct the aisles while searching for destination). We care with backpacks and purses and do not bring too much luggage, as it can be a chore to move down the stairs and corridors. Retains the ticket to the exit and get it prepared as it is necessary to leave the network. While studying the route to follow and be careful because sometimes a walk or a few bus stops can save you travel time.

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