dilluns, 29 de novembre del 2010

Me free time

Hi Belen,

How are you? This email ir sorth but... I'm very study of exams.
Im my free time lisent to music and go to my firends and chatig of my family amb my friends.
I'like go to de shoppings but I'don't money.
Tis time I'm study, but I'dont like.

Bye kisses.

divendres, 26 de novembre del 2010

Make requests (fer peticions)

1. Excuse me. Could you take a photo of us, please? Yes, of course.
2. I'm thirsty can you get me a drink? I can't right now. I'm busy.
3. Could I have your autograph, please? Sure,no problem.
4. help me with my Maths homework? I'm sory i can't i'm studying.

1. You want to borrow a friend's DVD to watch on Friday night.
a) Can I borrow your DVD, please?
b) Yes, of course.

2. You want your teacher to translate an English song for you.
a) Could you tarnslate thys english son for me please?
b) Yes, of course.

3. You can't find your sports clothes. You want your sister to find them.
a) Can you find my sport clothes
b) Yes, of course

4. You're in a restaurant. You want to have a cheese sandwich.
a) Colud I have cheese sandwich plase?
b) Yes, no porblem.

5. You're in class. You want to use a friend's dictionary.
a) Can I borrow yor dictionary plase?
b) No, I'm using it.

6. You want your brother to change the TV channe
a) Can you change TV channel?
b) No, I'm watching this channel.

"Can es fa servir en una petició infpormal.
Could serveix per una petició mer fomral."

Cuestions of Talia and Caludia

What type of music do you like?
You have animals?
How old are you?
You have brothers or sisters?
Where are you?
Where do you live?
What color and like it?

dijous, 25 de novembre del 2010



According to my autographs...

I like talking to pepole
I want to be famous

dilluns, 22 de novembre del 2010

Time expressions

I often watch music videos.
We’re watching music videos now.

twice a week:dues vegades per setmana
every day:cada dia
on Mondays:els dilluns
at the weekend:el cap de setmana
now:araright now:en aquest moment
this week:aquesta setmana
1. What / you / usually / do / on Saturdays?
What do you usually do on Saturdays? I wach tv 
2. your classmates / speak / in English now?
Are your classmates speak in English now? Not they arent
3. What / you / wear / at the moment?
What are you wearing at the moment? I'm wearing jeans,shoes sport and chaket. 
4. What music / your best friend / usually / listen to?
What music does your best friend usually lisent to? Shes lisent all kinds of music  
5. your teacher / sit / at the front of the class / right now?
Is your techer sit at the front of the class right now? No she isent
6. you / play / sports / at the weekend?
Do you play sports at the weekend? No ay don't


Sam: Hi. You're live on London Live. What book (1)are you reading at the moment?
Jo: Oh, hello. I (2)'m reading City of the Beasts by Isabel Allende.

Sam: (3)Do you always read adventure books?
Jo: No, not always. My favourite writer is Philip Pullman.
Sam: What type of books (4)does he write?
Jo: Fantasy books, mostly. He also (5)draws.

Sam: I see. And what about music? Are you a music fan? 
Jo: Yes, I am. I like all types of music. At the moment I (6)'m listening to country music.

dijous, 18 de novembre del 2010

UNITAT2. present continuous

Present continuous

- The paparazzo is wearing a black jacket
- Pepole arent not lokking at chesea ritz
- The girl aren't buying flouers
- Chesea isn't thyingon clothes
- Chesea's is sitting behind a plant

Tia: Hi, Joe what are you doing
Joe: I'm w,nhkhith Lara, Sue and Modhur.
Tia: Are you shopping?
Joe: No, I'm not, but Lara and Sue are.
Tia: Are they looking at clothes?
Joe: Yes, they are.
Tia: What ir Modhur doing?
Joe: She's reading
Tia: And wher are you doing later
Joe: We are meeting at susie's house. Why don't you come too?

Obeject pronouns

Obeject pronouns


Subject pronouns

Possessive adjectives
Present simple v. present continuous.

" El present simple serveix per parlar d'acions que pasen de manera abitual. el present continuous serveix per paralar d'accions que estan pasant en aquest moment "

usually listen to classical music when I travel.
I’m listening to Mozart at the moment.