divendres, 26 de novembre del 2010

Make requests (fer peticions)

1. Excuse me. Could you take a photo of us, please? Yes, of course.
2. I'm thirsty can you get me a drink? I can't right now. I'm busy.
3. Could I have your autograph, please? Sure,no problem.
4. help me with my Maths homework? I'm sory i can't i'm studying.

1. You want to borrow a friend's DVD to watch on Friday night.
a) Can I borrow your DVD, please?
b) Yes, of course.

2. You want your teacher to translate an English song for you.
a) Could you tarnslate thys english son for me please?
b) Yes, of course.

3. You can't find your sports clothes. You want your sister to find them.
a) Can you find my sport clothes
b) Yes, of course

4. You're in a restaurant. You want to have a cheese sandwich.
a) Colud I have cheese sandwich plase?
b) Yes, no porblem.

5. You're in class. You want to use a friend's dictionary.
a) Can I borrow yor dictionary plase?
b) No, I'm using it.

6. You want your brother to change the TV channe
a) Can you change TV channel?
b) No, I'm watching this channel.

"Can es fa servir en una petició infpormal.
Could serveix per una petició mer fomral."

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