dilluns, 22 de novembre del 2010

Time expressions

I often watch music videos.
We’re watching music videos now.

twice a week:dues vegades per setmana
every day:cada dia
on Mondays:els dilluns
at the weekend:el cap de setmana
now:araright now:en aquest moment
this week:aquesta setmana
1. What / you / usually / do / on Saturdays?
What do you usually do on Saturdays? I wach tv 
2. your classmates / speak / in English now?
Are your classmates speak in English now? Not they arent
3. What / you / wear / at the moment?
What are you wearing at the moment? I'm wearing jeans,shoes sport and chaket. 
4. What music / your best friend / usually / listen to?
What music does your best friend usually lisent to? Shes lisent all kinds of music  
5. your teacher / sit / at the front of the class / right now?
Is your techer sit at the front of the class right now? No she isent
6. you / play / sports / at the weekend?
Do you play sports at the weekend? No ay don't


Sam: Hi. You're live on London Live. What book (1)are you reading at the moment?
Jo: Oh, hello. I (2)'m reading City of the Beasts by Isabel Allende.

Sam: (3)Do you always read adventure books?
Jo: No, not always. My favourite writer is Philip Pullman.
Sam: What type of books (4)does he write?
Jo: Fantasy books, mostly. He also (5)draws.

Sam: I see. And what about music? Are you a music fan? 
Jo: Yes, I am. I like all types of music. At the moment I (6)'m listening to country music.

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