divendres, 1 d’octubre del 2010


1. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple or the present continuous.

Jenny likes (like) going to discos with her
friends at the weekend. Every Saturday night
she goes (go) dancing at the
Boho Bar. Tonight, Jenny and her friends
Meeting (meet) at 9.00 o’clock at
Mandy’s house. Mandy (4) lives
(live) near the town centre. Her Dad
(5) is driving (drive) them to the Boho Bar
tonight because he (6) (think) thinks
that it's too dangerous for them to go on the
Simple presents
I go
You go
He/she/it goes
We go
Yoy go
They go
Present continues
I going
Yo going
He/she/ going
We going
The going

1 These are my grandparents; their / they house is beautiful!
2 I don’t see the house number. Can you see its / it?
3 I don’t like Maria. She / He ’s really mean.
4 This is me / my new bike. Do you like it?
5 I don’t know much about Picasso. What do you know about his / him?
6 Give that back to my sister and me! It’s our / we money!

Tick () the correct sentence in each pair.
a I usually go to Tenerife on holiday.
I go to usually Tenerife on holiday.
a This summer, I goed to Germany.
This summer, I went to Germany.
a Look! These are my photos. ✓
Look! That are my photos.
a It wasn’t very sunny or hot.
It wasn’t very sunny but hot. ✓
and four swimming pools. ✓
a The hotel had three hundred bedrooms
and four swimming pools.
The hotel got three hundred bedrooms
a I like meet new people.b I like meeting new people.
2.Underline the correct option.

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