dilluns, 25 d’octubre del 2010

Personality adjectives

1 Our Maths teacher’s grumpy .
2 But in summer he’s   .
3 The French teacher’s   .
4 And her students are   .
5 My best friends are   .
6 Students are often .
1 cheerful    selfish    generous.
2 confident    unkind    shy
3 talkative   lazy    active
4 grumpy    cheerful    kind
5 kind    confident    unkind
6 quiet    talkative    selfish

1.If you're talkative , you can work as a telephone operator.
2.You can't be lazy because we work a lot!
3.We like positive happy people, so you must be cheerful.
4.If you're a confident person, and not shy, you can't interview celebrities.
5. We work as a team. Be nice to your colleagues. We need kind people.
6. When your work hard, we're generous. We pay a lot!

sociable | two-faced | envious
sensitive | vain | open-minded

positive                              negative
sensitive                               envious
sociable                                open-minded
vain                                       two-faced

1 She likes painting.
False. She likes playing the guitar.

2 He’s into cooking.

3 She loves playing cards.
False. She loves singing.

4 She likes camping.
False. She likes dancing.

5 They’re into drama.
False. They're into acting.

6 He’s very good at surfing the Internet.
False. He's very good at arts marcial.

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