dilluns, 29 de novembre del 2010

Me free time

Hi Belen,

How are you? This email ir sorth but... I'm very study of exams.
Im my free time lisent to music and go to my firends and chatig of my family amb my friends.
I'like go to de shoppings but I'don't money.
Tis time I'm study, but I'dont like.

Bye kisses.

divendres, 26 de novembre del 2010

Make requests (fer peticions)

1. Excuse me. Could you take a photo of us, please? Yes, of course.
2. I'm thirsty can you get me a drink? I can't right now. I'm busy.
3. Could I have your autograph, please? Sure,no problem.
4. help me with my Maths homework? I'm sory i can't i'm studying.

1. You want to borrow a friend's DVD to watch on Friday night.
a) Can I borrow your DVD, please?
b) Yes, of course.

2. You want your teacher to translate an English song for you.
a) Could you tarnslate thys english son for me please?
b) Yes, of course.

3. You can't find your sports clothes. You want your sister to find them.
a) Can you find my sport clothes
b) Yes, of course

4. You're in a restaurant. You want to have a cheese sandwich.
a) Colud I have cheese sandwich plase?
b) Yes, no porblem.

5. You're in class. You want to use a friend's dictionary.
a) Can I borrow yor dictionary plase?
b) No, I'm using it.

6. You want your brother to change the TV channe
a) Can you change TV channel?
b) No, I'm watching this channel.

"Can es fa servir en una petició infpormal.
Could serveix per una petició mer fomral."

Cuestions of Talia and Caludia

What type of music do you like?
You have animals?
How old are you?
You have brothers or sisters?
Where are you?
Where do you live?
What color and like it?

dijous, 25 de novembre del 2010



According to my autographs...

I like talking to pepole
I want to be famous

dilluns, 22 de novembre del 2010

Time expressions

I often watch music videos.
We’re watching music videos now.

twice a week:dues vegades per setmana
every day:cada dia
on Mondays:els dilluns
at the weekend:el cap de setmana
now:araright now:en aquest moment
this week:aquesta setmana
1. What / you / usually / do / on Saturdays?
What do you usually do on Saturdays? I wach tv 
2. your classmates / speak / in English now?
Are your classmates speak in English now? Not they arent
3. What / you / wear / at the moment?
What are you wearing at the moment? I'm wearing jeans,shoes sport and chaket. 
4. What music / your best friend / usually / listen to?
What music does your best friend usually lisent to? Shes lisent all kinds of music  
5. your teacher / sit / at the front of the class / right now?
Is your techer sit at the front of the class right now? No she isent
6. you / play / sports / at the weekend?
Do you play sports at the weekend? No ay don't


Sam: Hi. You're live on London Live. What book (1)are you reading at the moment?
Jo: Oh, hello. I (2)'m reading City of the Beasts by Isabel Allende.

Sam: (3)Do you always read adventure books?
Jo: No, not always. My favourite writer is Philip Pullman.
Sam: What type of books (4)does he write?
Jo: Fantasy books, mostly. He also (5)draws.

Sam: I see. And what about music? Are you a music fan? 
Jo: Yes, I am. I like all types of music. At the moment I (6)'m listening to country music.

dijous, 18 de novembre del 2010

UNITAT2. present continuous

Present continuous

- The paparazzo is wearing a black jacket
- Pepole arent not lokking at chesea ritz
- The girl aren't buying flouers
- Chesea isn't thyingon clothes
- Chesea's is sitting behind a plant

Tia: Hi, Joe what are you doing
Joe: I'm w,nhkhith Lara, Sue and Modhur.
Tia: Are you shopping?
Joe: No, I'm not, but Lara and Sue are.
Tia: Are they looking at clothes?
Joe: Yes, they are.
Tia: What ir Modhur doing?
Joe: She's reading
Tia: And wher are you doing later
Joe: We are meeting at susie's house. Why don't you come too?

Obeject pronouns

Obeject pronouns


Subject pronouns

Possessive adjectives
Present simple v. present continuous.

" El present simple serveix per parlar d'acions que pasen de manera abitual. el present continuous serveix per paralar d'accions que estan pasant en aquest moment "

usually listen to classical music when I travel.
I’m listening to Mozart at the moment.

dijous, 28 d’octubre del 2010


1 don't mind making my bed

I hate cooking 
I like dancing
4 I don't like doing housework
I love writing emails

2. watch

3. gets ups
4. dosen't eat/dosen't like
5. have got
6. study

Present simple: questions

1. read / you / do / comics ?
Do you read comics?
Yes, I do.
2. you / the Spider-Man films / like / do ?
do you like the Spider-Man films?
yes, I like
3. Spider-Man / does / where / live ?
Where does Spider-Man live?
I don't no
4. does / live / with his parents / he ?
Does he live withe his parents?
no, he doesn't
5. wear / he / does / what ?
What does he wear ?
He wears Spider-Man clothes
6. does / do / what / Spider-Man ?
What does Spider-Man do?
He saves people's lives
Ann He's an actor.
Max (2) does he live in the UK?
Ann No, he (3) doesn't . He lives in the USA.
Max Where (4) do his parents come from?
Ann His father's half Italian and his mother's German.
Max What (5) does he do in his free time?
Ann He likes playing basketball and surfing.
Max (6) do you like him?
Ann Yes, I do, but I prefer Matt Damon!

dilluns, 25 d’octubre del 2010

Personality adjectives

1 Our Maths teacher’s grumpy .
2 But in summer he’s   .
3 The French teacher’s   .
4 And her students are   .
5 My best friends are   .
6 Students are often .
1 cheerful    selfish    generous.
2 confident    unkind    shy
3 talkative   lazy    active
4 grumpy    cheerful    kind
5 kind    confident    unkind
6 quiet    talkative    selfish

1.If you're talkative , you can work as a telephone operator.
2.You can't be lazy because we work a lot!
3.We like positive happy people, so you must be cheerful.
4.If you're a confident person, and not shy, you can't interview celebrities.
5. We work as a team. Be nice to your colleagues. We need kind people.
6. When your work hard, we're generous. We pay a lot!

sociable | two-faced | envious
sensitive | vain | open-minded

positive                              negative
sensitive                               envious
sociable                                open-minded
vain                                       two-faced

1 She likes painting.
False. She likes playing the guitar.

2 He’s into cooking.

3 She loves playing cards.
False. She loves singing.

4 She likes camping.
False. She likes dancing.

5 They’re into drama.
False. They're into acting.

6 He’s very good at surfing the Internet.
False. He's very good at arts marcial.

dijous, 21 d’octubre del 2010

My favorite celebrity

Daddy Yankee

Raymond Luis Ayala Rodriguez (Rio Piedras, 3 February 1977), known as Daddy Yankee, reggaeton is a singer, actor, film producer, radio host [6] and Puerto Rican businessman.One of his greatest accomplishments is having popularized along with Don Omar, reggaeton in Latin America, Spain and various non-speaking countries hispana.Su Barrio Fino album catapulted him to international level and won him several awards including a Billboard Award Latin Music in 2005 and a Latin Grammy in 2006.

Advers of frequecy

1 never        hardli      sometimes     often       usually     alweys

I grumpy in the  moming.
My neighbours  sometimes have parties at the weekend.
I for alweys forget my friend's brithay.
My best friend is usually.
I never lie

El advervis de freqüencia sepre van devant del  verb , exepte el verb to be.Amb el verb to be el advervi de freqüencia va al adrrere.

How often do you

How ofton do you play sports? Never
How ofton do you  use the internet? Every day
How ofton do you  watch a DVD?  Never
How ofton do you  play  dominoes? Never
How ofton do you  lisen to music? Every day

dijous, 14 d’octubre del 2010

Present simple

My best friend (1)loves sports. He (2)goes swimming and he (3)has tennis lessons. He always (4)carreres his football boots to school. He (5)does karate and he (6)watches basketball on TV.

I work
You work
He works
She works
It works
We work
You work
They work

El presents simpe serveix per parlar de rutines i accions que es repeteixen cada dia. La tercerla persona del singular porta S al final.

Full form                         Contracted form
I do not play.                   I don’t play.
You do not play.               You don’t play.
He does not play.             He doesn’t play.
She does not play.           She doesn’t play.
It does not play.              It doesn’t play.
We do not play.               We don’t play.
You do not play.               You don’t play.
They do not play.              They don’t play. 
Totes les persones son don't ecepte la tercera persona del singular dosen't.

-My friends / get up / early at the weekend
My friend don't get up erly at the weekend
-I / eat / a lot of vegetables
I eat a lot of vegetables
-My best friend / study / Japanese
My best friend dosenpt study Japanese
-I / read / newspapers
I dont' read newspapers
-Our teacher / drive / a Ferrari
Oure tecacher dosen't drive a Ferari

dijous, 7 d’octubre del 2010






1. Who are your best friends?
My best friends are; ricard, victor, lorena, miriam, claudia, andrea, paula, calrolina, denisse, alex ...
2. How often do you see them?
I see them Eevery day. 
3. Where do you usually see them?I see them in de high school and the steet.

divendres, 1 d’octubre del 2010


1. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple or the present continuous.

Jenny likes (like) going to discos with her
friends at the weekend. Every Saturday night
she goes (go) dancing at the
Boho Bar. Tonight, Jenny and her friends
Meeting (meet) at 9.00 o’clock at
Mandy’s house. Mandy (4) lives
(live) near the town centre. Her Dad
(5) is driving (drive) them to the Boho Bar
tonight because he (6) (think) thinks
that it's too dangerous for them to go on the
Simple presents
I go
You go
He/she/it goes
We go
Yoy go
They go
Present continues
I going
Yo going
He/she/ going
We going
The going

1 These are my grandparents; their / they house is beautiful!
2 I don’t see the house number. Can you see its / it?
3 I don’t like Maria. She / He ’s really mean.
4 This is me / my new bike. Do you like it?
5 I don’t know much about Picasso. What do you know about his / him?
6 Give that back to my sister and me! It’s our / we money!

Tick () the correct sentence in each pair.
a I usually go to Tenerife on holiday.
I go to usually Tenerife on holiday.
a This summer, I goed to Germany.
This summer, I went to Germany.
a Look! These are my photos. ✓
Look! That are my photos.
a It wasn’t very sunny or hot.
It wasn’t very sunny but hot. ✓
and four swimming pools. ✓
a The hotel had three hundred bedrooms
and four swimming pools.
The hotel got three hundred bedrooms
a I like meet new people.b I like meeting new people.
2.Underline the correct option.

dijous, 30 de setembre del 2010

My family

Etsan In my family, my mother, my father and my dog.My mother is low, her hair is black But Takes an hour network. Today is forty four years.My father is tall, has black hair and say I like him. My father is 43.My dog is small, color and black STI.This is my famylia!

Holiday Plans


a Spanish explorers discover the Cook Islands. 1
b Marcie goes scuba-diving and cycling.6
c Captain William Bligh sails to the Cook Islands.3
d Marcie and her family travel to the Cook Islands.5
e Marcie writes her blog.4
f Captain Cook sails around the Cook Islands.2
1 Marcie is going on holiday with her  friends.
2 Greg is Marcie’s boyfriend.
Greg is Grece's boyfriend.
3 The Cook Islanders were brilliant  fi shermen.
The Cook Islanders were brilliant sailors.  
4 There are twenty-two Cook Islands.
There are fifteen Cook Islands.
5 The Cook Islands are in the Atlantic 
The Cook Islanders are in the Pacific Ocean
6 Mutiny on the Bounty is about Captain  Cook.
Mutiny on the Bounty is about Captain William Bligh .
1 You eat it in a sandwich. d
2 You write in it every day.e
3 You need it to see in the dark.b
4 You can send it on your mobile.c
5 You use it to clean your teeth.f
6 You put your head on it to sleep.a



dilluns, 20 de setembre del 2010

in the classroom

Exercice 1.

1)You write with a pen or pencil

2)you write on a piece of paper

3)you make corrections with a rubber

4)you make notes in a notebook

5)you keep papers in a folders

6)you sit at a desk. 

my room

1. There a poster on the wall alove the desc. False
2. Tere are some bocks on a shelt next to the computer.True
3. Theres a wardobe betwen the desc and the bed. False
4. There aren't any dotes in the wardobe. False
5. There isn't blie carpet on the flor. False
6. Theres a basketball under the bed  True

dijous, 16 de setembre del 2010

in the classroom

1. you write a pen or pencil
2. you writhe on de pice of peper
3. you make corrections with a rubber
4. you make notes in a nootebook
5. you keep papers in a foolder
6. you sit at a desk

1. Can i borrow a pen, pease?
2. Have yo got a piece of paper ?
3. What page is it ?
4. Can you speak louder ?
5. You go firts
6. Whats carpeta in english ?
7. How do yo spell taht?
8. Can yo repeat that
9. It's your turn
10. Can i go to the toilet please?

divendres, 10 de setembre del 2010

my description

Hello my name is andrea, I have thirteen years. I'm tall, with long blond hair. my eyes are brown and my little mouth as my nose. I live in Sant Joan Despi, in my home I live with my mother, my father and my dog, I have brothers or sisters. I am a cheerful and nice girl. I like going out with friends and do not like homework. this is me!


My profile

1. true
2. false
3. true
4. false
5. true
6. false

-She isnt't sixteen. she's fifteen years old
-Her britday isn't on the 27th March, it ison 21st March.
-Her favourite sport aren't glof, her favourite sport ar basketbool

1.What's your name? my name is Andrea
2. How old are you? I'am 13 years old
3.Wher are you froom? I'am froom SJD
4.Wher is your britdhday? My britdhay is on 27 April
5. Who is your favourite ector? My favourite actor is Angelina Joli.

101 things to do over the summer.

1. eat ice cream
2.go swimming
3.phone a  friend
4.go to the water park
5.lisent to music
6.read a book
7.go to the park
8.go to the zoo
9.ride a bike
10.draw a picrp
11.play cards
12.go to the beach
13.drink lemonade
14.play a sport
15.go camping